
Seek and destroy ps2 root point
Seek and destroy ps2 root point

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Starkiller began to gather these rebels b hunting down General Rahm Kota, a Jedi he had fought with- and blinded- previously, and convincing him to help in the formation of an alliance. This was accomplished by Darth Vader, who, manipulating his apprentice Starkiller into believing it was a ploy to distract the Emperor, ordered him to form a group of dissidents and rebels opposed to the Empire, at which point Starkiller and Vader would kill Palpatine, and take over as rulers of the galaxy. FormationThe Rebel Alliance began shortly before the completion of the Death Star, as a plot by Emperor Palpatine to root out all of his enemies, and destroy them in one fell swoop.

seek and destroy ps2 root point

Formed by Darth Vader's secret apprentice Starkiller, the Alliance eventually would go on to recruit Vader's son, Luke Skwalker, and eventually supplant the Galactic Empire as the ruling force of the galaxy, shedding the Rebel Alliance mokier, and becoming the New Republic. OverviewThe Rebel Alliance (or officially the Alliance to Restore the Republic) was a group of freedom fighters determined to resist the Galactic Empire, and it's leader, Emperor Palpatine. This page contains major spoilers for Star Wars: The Force Unleashed.

Seek and destroy ps2 root point